About the Composer

Ashley Danyew, Ph.D., is a musician, educator, writer, and entrepreneur.

Dr. Danyew received a B.A. in Music from the University of Georgia and completed an M.M. and Ph.D. in Music Education at the Eastman School of Music. She also received the Certificate in Arts Leadership from Eastmanโ€™s Institute for Music Leadership. Her music has been published by Colla Voce Music, Peake Music Publishing, and Growing in Grace.

Ashley Danyew - Sheet Music


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Handbell Music

Music for 8-21 bells

Four Pieces for Advent

3 octaves (12 bells)

Includes: two processionals, one solo piece, and one hymn descant. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Four Pieces for Advent (2-octave handbells) by Ashley Danyew

Four Pieces for Advent

2 octaves (11-13 bells)

Includes: two processionals, one solo piece, and one hymn descant. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Four Pieces for Christmas

3 octaves (12-17 bells)

Includes: two solo pieces and two hymn descants. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Still, Still, Still

3 octaves (12 bells + opt. 4 handchimes)

A quiet, reflective arrangement of a Christmas favorite, perfect for Christmas Eve. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

12x12: 12 pieces for
12 bells

3 octaves (12 bells)

Includes: 4 solo pieces, 4 processionals/acclamations, and 4 hymn descants. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Four Pieces for Epiphany

2-3 octaves (12-16 bells)

Includes: a solo piece, a processional, a hymn descant, and a prayer and underscore. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

I Wonder As I Wander

3 octaves (11 bells)
+ Cello or Solo C Instrument

A quiet, reflective arrangement of the traditional Appalachian carol. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

Four Pieces for Lent

2-3 octaves (12-19 bells)

Includes: two solo pieces, a
processional, and a hymn descant. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Four Pieces for Easter

2-3 octaves (12-21 bells)

Includes: two fanfares and hymn descants, and a solo setting of โ€œThe Day of Resurrection.โ€ Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Easter Fanfare & Descant

3 octaves (21 bells)

A festive acclamation and a descant for the common Easter hymn, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today." Unlimited print license.
See inside the score + listen
to a recording >>

Four Pieces for Pentecost

3 octaves (11-21 bells)

Includes: a processional, a solo arrangement of โ€œO Spirit of the Living God,โ€ a hymn descant, and a prayer and bell underscore. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

A Mighty Fortress (Hymn Descant)

4 octaves (21 bells)

A festive bell descant for the hymn, โ€œA Mighty Fortress is Our God.โ€ This arrangement matches the Lutheran Service Book. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>๏ปฟ

Children's Handbell Collection (1-octave colored handbells) by Ashley Danyew

Childrenโ€™s Handbell Collection

1-octave colored bells (8 bells)

Includes: six children's songs and hymns written two ways: colored letter names and colored noteheads on a music staff. Unlimited print license. See inside the score >>

Five Processionals

3-5 octaves (11-12 bells)

Includes: five processionals and acclamations for general or liturgical use. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Five Processionals

2 octaves (10-12 bells)

Includes: five processionals and acclamations for general or liturgical use. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>


Choral Music

Unison/2-Part & SATB
Service music & Anthems

Songs for the Sanctuary I by Ashley Danyew.png

Songs for the Sanctuary I

SATB Choir, a cappella

Includes: three original pieces of service music for use as introits or responses. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Songs from the Sanctuary II by Ashley Danyew.png

Songs for the sanctuary II

SATB Choir, a cappella

Includes: three original pieces of service music for use as introits or responses. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

Songs for the Sanctuary: Alleluias & Amens by Ashley and Steve Danyew.png

Songs for the sanctuary: Alleluias & Amens

SATB Choir, a cappella

Includes: three Alleluias and three Amens for use as service music. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to sample recordings >>


SATB Choir, a cappella

With text by John Newton, this prayerful choral benediction is perfect for the end of a worship service, wedding ceremony, or renewal of vows. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

Welcome Here (Bienvenidos)

Unison/Opt. 2-Part Treble Voices

A traditional Argentine melody combines with welcoming words of peace and unity in this fun, multicultural anthem. Opt. Orff, Boomwhackersยฎ, and non-pitched percussion. Listen to a recording >>

Speaking Love

SATB Choir + Piano

Steal away to a quiet, snowy night and hear the message of this carol-like anthem. Listen to a recording >>

O Little Town of Bethlehem (Choral Score)

SATB Choir and Congregation with Organ and opt. String Quartet (parts sold separately)

This arrangement of FOREST GREEN features new choral harmonies, organ, and lush string parts (sold separately). Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

O Little Town of Bethlehem (Parts & Conductor Score)

SATB Choir and Congregation with Organ and String Quartet (octavos sold separately)

This arrangement of FOREST GREEN features new choral harmonies, organ, and lush string parts (octavos sold separately). Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>


Instrumental Music

Solo Piano, Chamber Music & Hymn accompaniments

Three Preludes for Piano

Intermediate Solo Piano

A set of three short piano preludes, each inspired by a historic church and incorporating a familiar hymn tune. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Hymn accompaniment)

8-part Flex Instrumentation with opt. Piano and Percussion

Inspired by the Advent chant melody, this new arrangement begins with a contemplative verse and slowly builds to a glorious climax. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Violin and Cello

An elegant arrangement of the
traditional hymn for violin and cello duet. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to a recording >>

Two Easter Hymn Settings For Brass Quintet

Brass Quintet with opt. Congregation

Creative, well-crafted settings of two well-known Easter hymns: Jesus Shall Reign and The Strife Is Oโ€™er. Unlimited print license. See inside the score + listen to recordings >>

How to

Creative ideas for using music in worship: