2018 Reading Session Picks: Youth Choir

2018 Reading Session Picks: Youth Choir

A few weeks ago, I shared my reading session picks for adult choirs - 12 new (or new-ish) anthems with good texts, singable lines, and interesting accompaniments, where applicable. Read it here, in case you missed it.

Next in this series is anthems you can use with your youth choir.

Now, youth choir can be tricky, depending on the size of your group and the ages you're working with (middle-school-age singers vs. senior high singers). As such, I tried to include a mix of things on this list: some SATB, some SAB, and even a 2-part anthem for those of you with smaller or younger groups.

How to Recruit New Choir Members This Fall

How to Recruit New Choir Members This Fall

The beginning of a new choir year is a perfect time to invite and recruit a few new members. 

There are a few reasons for this:

  • People are often eager to sign up for new things at the beginning of a new church/school year

  • There’s energy and enthusiasm around new music, routines, and schedules

  • It’s a great way to engage new families that may have started visiting over the summer

2018 Reading Session Picks: Adult Choir

2018 Reading Session Picks: Adult Choir

It's that time of the year: time for my annual reading session picks!

Every year, I round up my top anthem picks from the latest publisher's catalogs, playlists, and reading sessions (plus, sometimes a few that aren't new that I've recently discovered and haven't shared here before) to give you a shortcut in your anthem-planning for next year.

First up, the Adult Choir edition. Here are my adult choir reading session picks from the last few years:

A Quick Tip for Transposing at Sight (for Piano Accompanists Everywhere)

A Quick Tip for Transposing at Sight (for Piano Accompanists Everywhere)

Have you ever been rehearsing an anthem with your choir and thought, "If only this were a half-step lower,"or practicing a song for Sunday and thought, "This feels a little low. I wish I had it in a higher key.”?

Chances are, if you’ve been in ministry long enough, you’ve had moments like these.

Transposing, or playing/singing something in another key (e.g. moving the notes of a piece up or down by a certain interval) is a practical and at times, very useful skill for all church musicians, teachers, and accompanists to have.

Your Go-To Guide for Using Boomwhackers With Your Choir

Your Go-To Guide for Using Boomwhackers With Your Choir

Looking for a fun way to reinforce rhythm and steady beat, play melodies, and introduce harmony to your children’s choir?

Let me introduce you to Boomwhackers.

Boomwhackers are great for older elementary choirs, though they can be used in certain circumstances with younger elementary choirs.

Here are a few ways you can use them in your rehearsals:

How to Choose Music for Your SAB Choir (+ 18 Anthem Ideas)

How to Choose Music for Your SAB Choir (+ 18 Anthem Ideas)

Choosing music you like and think will work well in your worship service is one thing; choosing music that’s accessible for your choir is a whole different ball game.

It's important to think about what your choir can realistically do and what they can do well; what will challenge them to grow and learn and yet be meaningful for them, as well? What will lift them up and build their confidence while also inspiring their faith?

The Introverted Choir Director: 8 Tips for Survival

The Introverted Choir Director: 8 Tips for Survival

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Often times, society makes us feel like we are one or the other, but in reality, these personality traits are two opposite ends of a spectrum, and most of us fall somewhere in the middle (source).

Susan Cain, researcher and author of the New York Times bestseller, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking noted that "extroverts need higher levels of stimulation to feel their best” while “introverts prefer quiet, minimally stimulating environments.” (source) This stimulation may be social in nature, but it can also be bright lights, noise (radio, podcasts, music, yard work noise, traffic, etc.), and visual clutter.

5 Inspirational Books to Read This Summer

5 Inspirational Books to Read This Summer

There’s something so quintessential about having a good book (or several) to read during the summer months. From plane rides to road trips, trips to the beach or lake, picnics in the park, or simply sitting on the porch in the afternoon, reading is the perfect pastime for those sweet, slow summer days.

If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that I tend to make my book list for the year in January (here’s what I plan to read in 2018, in case you’re curious). The list may change as I go through the year and pick up books on sale here and there or come across a newly-released book that I want to read, but I like to begin the year with a list of books (one per month) already picked out.

The Choir Year in Review: 16 Questions to Help You Evaluate Your Year

The Choir Year in Review: 16 Questions to Help You Evaluate Your Year

Have you ever done a year-in-review for your choir year? Have you taken time recently to evaluate yourself and your teaching? Do you set goals for your choir at the beginning of the year, or make a mental list of things you'd like to accomplish?

Taking time for reflection and evaluation is a healthy and productive way to check in and stay engaged in your work.