Music Teaching — Field Notes Podcast for Music Educators | Ashley Danyew

Music Teaching

081 - Celebrating Women in Music Month: An Inside Look at Our Studio Informances

081 - Celebrating Women in Music Month: An Inside Look at Our Studio Informances

March is Women’s History Month and by extension, Women in Music Month—an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate women’s contributions to our field.

When I was a grad student at Eastman, they used to have an annual Women in Music Festival in March. Students and faculty worked together to create a series of programs and lunchtime concerts featuring music (and sometimes lyrics) by women. I had the opportunity to accompany on a program one year—it was so meaningful to be part of such a special event. It’s still something that stands out in my memory from my time in grad school.

As a teacher, I love finding ways to honor and celebrate things like this with my students. This year, we’re celebrating Women in Music month with a series of musical informances.

080 - 14 Ways to Practice Away From Your Instrument

080 - 14 Ways to Practice Away From Your Instrument

When you think about practicing, what do you picture?

Maybe you think about your instrument in the living room or your favorite practice room at school. Maybe you picture your studio with morning light streaking across the floor or in the evening with a few lamps casting a cozy glow.

Certainly, practicing happens in all of these spaces. But it can also happen at your desk, in the car, at the breakfast table, on a walk, in a carrel at the library, or in a classroom where no instrument is present.


Because practicing is more than the mechanics of playing an instrument.

079 - From Technique to Musical Identity: Six Things I’m Focusing on in Lessons

079 - From Technique to Musical Identity: Six Things I’m Focusing on in Lessons

Happy January!

I hope you had a restful teaching break and that you’re ready to dive back in with renewed energy, creativity, and motivation.

The Spring semester can be busy. In my studio, we have informances in March (which you heard me talk about last year—see episodes 068, 069, and 071), our state Solo Festival in May, and our annual year-end recital in June, plus 2-3 studio classes for each group (which ends up being 13 or so, for me) and of course, weekly lessons.

078 - The Days of Auld Lang Syne: A Year-End Reflection for Music Teachers

078 - The Days of Auld Lang Syne: A Year-End Reflection for Music Teachers

It’s the middle of December, which means you’re probably caught up in the rush of holiday performances, concerts, and recitals, studio classes, parties, and general busyness as we wrap up the year. Your to-do list is long, but the days are short, and you’re doing your best to stay on top of it all.

But as busy as this time of year is, it can also be a time to pause and reflect. To embrace the quiet and stillness that comes with the first snowfall or sitting in the living room late at night or early in the morning by the light of the Christmas tree.

As a teacher, December is a time to acknowledge everything you’ve created and accomplished this year—everything you’ve learned and all the ways you’ve changed and grown and evolved as a musician and educator.

077 - A New Approach to Teaching Group Classes

077 - A New Approach to Teaching Group Classes

I have a love/hate relationship with studio classes.

I love the idea of them, and I love being able to offer them to my students. But I’ve never found a structure or approach that works.

At the school where I teach, I’m limited to a classroom with a single piano, which means students have to take turns or do activities that don’t involve an instrument.

In addition, having a group of 6-8 students in a room together for 45-60 minutes (again, with one instrument) was challenging. It’s difficult to keep everyone engaged and focused, give directions, facilitate meaningful learning activities, and assess each student individually.

As an introverted teacher, it can feel a little chaotic and overwhelming.

076 - 7 Things to Carry Into the New School Year

076 - 7 Things to Carry Into the New School Year

It’s my second full week of teaching. I know some of you have been back to school and lessons for a month now, but I’m still getting my bearings, adjusting to a new schedule, organizing studio classes, and setting my intentions for the year.

This is not a formal practice, but it’s something I sort of subconsciously do to mark the beginning of the new teaching year. Today, I’m sharing 7 things to carry into the new teaching year, and I hope this inspires you on your teaching journey.

075 - What I'm Working on This Summer

075 - What I'm Working on This Summer

I don’t know about you, but this summer is going by very quickly. I know some of you may be going back to school this week or preparing to go back in a few weeks; here in New York, we still have a little summer left, as we don’t start back until after Labor Day.

But regardless, it’s quick.

At the beginning of the summer, I made a list of 5 things I wanted to work on outside of teaching. In this episode, I’ll share what was on that list, how it’s going so far, and what I’m spending time on this month.

074 - What a First Piano Lesson Looks Like (Here's My Lesson Plan)

074 - What a First Piano Lesson Looks Like (Here's My Lesson Plan)

Last week, I taught a brand-new beginner her very first piano lesson.

Cora is 5 1/2 and is mature for her age. She is the youngest of three - her two older brothers also study with me. In fact, the oldest started with me when he was 5, a few weeks after Cora was born, so it’s kind of a full-circle moment.

I love starting beginners in the summer, before the beginning of the new school year because it’s less chaotic. This gives us a few weeks to get into the rhythm of lessons and playing at home so that routine is already established by the time school starts.

073 - How to Prepare for a Consult with a Prospective Student

073 - How to Prepare for a Consult with a Prospective Student

A friend of mine from college reached out to ask about how to find a piano teacher for her two young children:

"Any pointers on how to find the right person?" she asked in a DM. "Do you think going to a school is better or finding someone to come to us is better?"

The interview process for finding a music teacher goes both ways:

  • The teacher is interviewing the student and family to assess musical, physical, and emotional readiness; determine if the student (and parents) have the same goals for musical study; and evaluate whether or not they'd be a good fit in the studio. We talked about this in the last episode, Ep. 072 - The Case for Consultations in the Music Studio. So, go back and listen to that, if you missed it.

  • At the same time, the student (and often the parents) are interviewing the teacher to assess musical skills and qualifications, teaching style, method and curriculum choices, and extracurricular offerings.

072 - The Case for Consultations in the Music Studio

072 - The Case for Consultations in the Music Studio

Years ago, I received an email from a piano teacher asking about initial consultations and interviews.

“What do you do? What questions do you ask? How long should it be? What materials do you give them?” These are great questions!

Here are some of the reasons I offer consultations to prospective families in my studio:

  1. They give you an opportunity to meet prospective students (and their parents) face-to-face before either of you commit to lessons.

  2. For students who are transferring from another teacher, it's important to see what music they're currently working on, assess what they know, and determine where you want to begin in your first lesson.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to structure a prospective student consultation (including what to have the student bring or prepare ahead of time), six questions to ask, how to plan your time together, and how to onboard new students and families after the consultation.