“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5
Have you ever noticed how much light comes from one tiny candle? No matter how dark the room may be, the soft glow of one small flame cannot be overcome.
It is radiant and bright and hopeful—a reminder of God’s promise to us and God’s presence with us. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)
He has overcome the darkness, He has conquered fear and death. He has cast out the dark shadows of sin and guilt and unworthiness. He has carried us into the light, restored us and made us new, and given us light to hold on to—a light that cannot be consumed by the darkness in our world; a light that cannot be extinguished.
Christmas is a season full of contrasts: light and darkness, hope and fear, joy and sadness, peace and unrest. But in God, there is no darkness. With God, there is no fear. There is no sadness or unrest—only light and grace and love.
May we seek the light in this season—in the cookies and wrapping paper, bows and garlands. In loneliness, weariness, and unsettledness. In the Christmas albums and Hallmark movies and snow-covered streets, in the times of doubt and fear and hopelessness.
Let it be light, Lord. Bring us your hopeful, promise-filled, beautiful, radiant, everlasting light.
Dear Lord,
When the bustle of the city and the smell in the streets of the fresh fallen snow and tall silver fir trees fills you with joy and a spirit of giving, let it be light.
When December is dark and the days are long, when you force a smile, but your heart has no song. When a stranger takes notice and speaks a kind word, let it be light.
When the people are gathered on a bright winter’s night, when the carols are sung in the candles’ gold light, when the Story brings hope to the young and the old, let it be light.
When you feel weary from the weight you carry: the sadness and loss and grief you can’t bury. When the quiet feels safe, like rest for the soul, let it be light.
When you grasp her small hand and pray for the world, for peace on earth and love evermore. When you lift up the names of those far and near, let it be light.
When the Story’s been told and the carols all sung, when the tree’s taken down and the lights all unstrung. When the magic has faded and the candles burned low, let it be light.
© 2016 Ashley Danyew
More in this series:
Prayers for Choirs: No. 1
Prayers for Choirs: No. 2
Prayers for Choirs: No. 3
Prayers for Choirs: No. 4
Prayers for Choirs: No. 5
Prayers for Choirs: No. 6
Prayers for Choirs: No. 7
Prayers for Choirs: No. 8
Prayers for Choirs: No. 9
Prayers for Choirs: No. 10
Prayers for Choirs: No. 11
Prayers for Choirs: No. 12