"Come, Christians, Join to Play!" and 12 Other Piano Duet Books for Worship | Ashley Danyew

"Come, Christians, Join to Play!" and 12 Other Piano Duet Books for Worship

"Come, Christians, Join to Play!" and 12 Other Piano Duet Books.png

Piano duets are a fun way to include other pianists from your congregation and add something special to your worship services. Plus, they’re just fun in general, am I right?

In my experience, even small churches have at least one person in the congregation who has some playing experience. Often, they just need to be asked and invited to participate.

Reach out to a few people in your choir or congregation who you know play the piano and ask if they’d be interested in playing a duet with you in worship sometime. If so, choose a collection (I recommend purchasing two copies so you can each have one to practice with). 

Find a time when you can get together to practice.

If the person you’re playing with is fairly accomplished and feels comfortable sight-reading, spend some time reading through some of the pieces to get a feel for what they sound like with both parts. If that’s not realistic, choose a few pieces to begin working on, decide who will play what part, and set up a few rehearsals in the coming weeks.

Looking for book recommendations? Today, I’m sharing 13 piano duet books for worship.

Grab your best piano partner-in-crime and enjoy using some of these collections in your worship services:

13 Piano Duet Books for Worship

*Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

General Duets

Classic Hymns for 4-Hand Piano
arr. Joel Raney
Level: Intermediate

Rich, creative settings of some traditional hymn favorites.

Includes: Be Thou My Vision, Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, Fairest Lord Jesus, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Holy, Holy, Holy, and Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.

Classic Hymns II for 4-Hand Piano
arr. Joel Raney
Level: Intermediate

A sequel to the collection mentioned above, this book includes fun, challenging arrangements of Morning Has Broken, How Great Thou Art, Peace Like A River, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, What Wondrous Love Is This, and Crown Him with Many Crowns.

Come, Christians, Join to Play
arr. Mark Hayes
Level: Intermediate

Well-crafted and fun to play, this collection includes fresh arrangements of the following:

Battle Hymn Of The Republic, Come, Christians, Join To Sing, Ding-Dong! Merrily on High / O Sanctisssima, Since Jesus Came Into My Heart, Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus, Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, and My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.

Spirituals for 4-Hand Piano
arr. Lloyd Larson
Level: Intermediate

These are songs we don’t often find in piano books, so this collection is sure to add some variety to your current repertoire.

Titles include: Deep River w/Shall We Gather at the River, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, Jesus, Oh, What a Wonderful Child, Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, Steal Away, and Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.

This Is My Father’s World
arr. Vicki Collinsworth
Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Hymn settings with a little world-music flare. This collection is fun, creative, and incorporates a diverse range of musical styles.

Titles include: This Is My Father's World (Celtic), I Know Whom I Have Believed (Spanish), Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (Native American), Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (mixed meter), All Things Bright and Beautiful (Asian), and The God of Abraham Praise (Israeli).

Everlasting Arms
arr. Marianne Kim
Level: Intermediate/Advanced

A unique collection of hymn favorites with a subtle jazz flare.

Contents include: In the Garden, Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, Nearer, My God, to Thee, It Is Well With My Soul, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?, and More Love to Thee, O Christ.

Shared Spirit
arr. Howard Helvey
Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Sparkling arrangements of five sacred hymn tunes, including:

Aria (Bist Du Bei Mir), Aria Cantabile (Based on a melody by Samuel Wesley), Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Fantasy on Holy Manna (Brethren, We Have Met to Worship), and Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.

Four Hands in Praise 
arr. Larry Shackley
Level: Early Advanced

Featuring eight creative, well-harmonized, and well-crafted piano duets for early-advanced players.

This book includes: Come, Thou Almighty King, Cross of Christ Medley (including Jesus Paid It All, In the Cross of Christ I Glory, and Near the Cross), The Love of God, Medley of German Hymns (including Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above and Holy God, We Praise Thy Name), Praise Him, Praise Him, Shall We Gather at the River?, There Is a Happy Land, and This Is My Father's World.

Duets for Christmas

Looking for some new Christmas duets? Here are a few options you might consider:

Jazz Moods for Christmas
arr. Lani Smith
Level: Intermediate

A collection of traditional Christmas carols in a reflective, relaxed, and easy-to-read jazz style.

Titles include: Good King Wenceslas, Go Tell It On the Mountain, What Child Is This, Away In A Manger, The First Nowell, Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, and Angels We Have Heard On High.

Christmas for 4-Hand Piano
arr. Joel Raney
Level: Moderate

Rich, full-textured, dazzling settings of several Christmas favorites. Perfect for a cantata or musical opener or festive postlude.

This collection includes: Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Silent Night, We Three Kings, and What Child Is This.

Go, Tell It On the Mountain
arr. Mark Hayes
Level: Advanced

Fresh, brilliant settings of familiar and lesser-known Christmas hymns and carols:

Go, Tell It on the Mountain, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Fum, Fum, Fum, Two Carols from the British Isles, Still, Still, Still, and Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow. 

Duets for Beginners

Do you have beginners in your congregation (any age!) that would love to play duets in worship from time to time? These two collections are must-haves:

The Worship Series: Volume 1 - Hymns for Beginners
arr. Pam Turner
Level: Beginner (primo)/Moderate (secondo)

A wonderful way to include younger members of your congregation or those who are just starting out.

Volume 1 includes: What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Just As I Am, Jesus Loves Me, I Surrender All, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Trust and Obey, Praise Him, Praise Him, Heavenly Sunlight, and Nearer My God to Thee. Take a look inside the book and listen to audio samples on the Piano Pronto website (linked above).

The Worship Series: Volume 2 - Hymns for Late Beginners
arr. Pam Turner
Level: Late Beginner (primo)/Moderate (secondo)

Another great worship collection for beginner players.

Volume 2 includes: God is So Good, He Leadeth Me, Lord, I Want to Be a Christian, My Jesus, I Love Thee, Near the Cross, Nothing But the Blood, Onward, Christian Soldiers, Rock of Ages, There Shall be Showers of Blessing, This Is My Father’s World

What are your favorite piano duet collections for worship?