Editorial: The Practice of Paying Attention | Ashley Danyew

Editorial: The Practice of Paying Attention

It's that time of year—the last month of the calendar year and the first of a new liturgical year. The old and the new. An ending and a beginning.

Most of us find ourselves caught somewhere in between.

There are parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow (wishful thinking?). There are Christmas cards to be addressed, cookies to swap, and UPS orders to track.

And let's not forget about the annual family gingerbread-house-making tradition (hint, hint, Steve).

Sometimes, we move through the world on autopilot without engaging with our own actions, much less our interactions with others.

Are we missing it, those moments of wonder? Are we paying attention?

Barbara Brown Taylor Quote - Ashley Danyew

In her book, An Altar in the World, Barbara Brown Taylor writes, "The practice of paying attention really does take time. Most of us move so quickly that our surroundings become no more than the blurred scenery we fly past on our way to somewhere else."

As a result, many of us find ourselves distracted, disengaged, and disconnected.

This coming from the girl who left the house the other day, Longchamp tote of teaching supplies in one hand and... dog leash in the other. Clearly, my mind was elsewhere.

If you're like me, I want to encourage you today to pause and pay attention to your surroundings. Look around, look up, look someone in the eyes. Take a deep breath. Listen intently.

I hope you discover a bit of wonder in your day today.


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