Editorial: The Six-Decision Cup of Coffee | Ashley Danyew

Editorial: The Six-Decision Cup of Coffee

Editorial - Ashley Danyew - November 2022

November 2022

“A whispered chaos swirls in the mind of those who carry unmade decisions,” Emily P. Freeman writes.

And for those of us who feel the tension between outward signs of change—the frosty mornings, the wisps of wind through the cherry tree, the shifting light at end of day—and inward ones, we know this is true.

The days are shorter, but our to-do lists are longer; the natural world around us is slowing down, preparing for a season of darkness and quiet and rest, but we are moving faster, preparing for a season of light and holiday performances and dinner parties.

Perhaps you know what it feels like to run out of decision-making power in a day, your mind cloudy and your thoughts unclear.

Some decisions are big and important and require thought and intention and care. Other decisions are small—a simple yes or no: "Would you like whipped cream with that?"—but still, our mind swirls with buts and what-ifs and "Is this the right choice? The best choice?"

In the movie, You've Got Mail (one of my favorites this time of year), Joe Fox (played by Tom Hanks) describes this phenomenon:

Joe Fox quote from You've Got Mail

It's true; we have a tendency to overcomplicate things. Sometimes the best way to find clarity in your decision-making is through action:

Make a list.
Make that appointment.
Delete emails.
Send the text.
Sort the mail.
Say yes to the whipped cream.

In her book (and podcast), The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions, Emily P. Freeman shares this gentle advice:

“For today, when you stand in the garden, the classroom, the office, the paint store, the library, the sanctuary, or the street, accept that there may not be a perfect choice, a right choice, or an ideal. Instead, pick what you like, then see how it grows.”

I hope this inspires you to take action in some way this month. I'm sending you a virtual bouquet of newly sharpened pencils!


*Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
