children's choir games

40 Call and Response Songs and Games for Children's Choir

40 Call and Response Songs and Games for Children's Choir

Call and response is a musical form based on dialogue - someone sings or plays a phrase of music and someone else (or a group of people) respond in the subsequent phrase. Call and response stems from a variety of musical traditions, including African, Cuban, folk, and even church music (think cantor and congregation). (source)

Call and response can be a useful teaching tool, as it gives young children an opportunity to listen, imitate, explore the voice, and gain confidence in their singing.

Use a short call and response song at the beginning of your rehearsal (a “hello” or other greeting song), in the middle as a change-of-pace activity or game (see singing game ideas below), or at the end of your rehearsal (a “goodbye” song).

If you’ve never taught a call and response song to children before, here are a few pointers:

Top 10 Posts of 2016

Top 10 Posts of 2016

I love this time of the year. 

This week in between Christmas and New Year’s is always a time of rest and reflection for me - both personally and professionally. I look back on my goals for the year and evaluate what worked and what didn’t work. I also spend some time reviewing this year’s blog content and growth and learning more about what really resonated with you. Finally, I look forward to the New Year by setting new personal and business goals and thinking about new blog content ideas and outlining a preliminary editorial calendar.

It’s always fun for me to look back at the most popular posts of the year. Here are this year's top 10: 

7 Fun Games for Children's Choir

7 Fun Games for Children's Choir

It's a rainy evening and the 1st graders in your children's choir are extra wiggly. You need a quick change-of-pace to keep their attention and get through rehearsal. 

Been there? I think we all have. 

There are lots of games you could play, but I like choosing games and activities that keep the focus on music (and maybe get the children up and moving for a few minutes). Today, I'm sharing a few of my favorite (musical) games and activities for children's choir.
