Summer Professional Development for Church Musicians

Summer Professional Development for Church Musicians

It’s normal to feel a little burnt out after the year we’ve just had. It’s normal to feel tired or frustrated or lost. But what have you learned? What strategies will you keep? How have the events of the last year changed us as teachers, as musicians? What will we do differently going forward?

7 Engaging Games for Elementary Music

7 Engaging Games for Elementary Music

Games and musical activities are a fun and engaging way to introduce and reinforce new musical concepts and develop musical skills like listening, singing, expression, coordination, and internalizing a sense of steady beat.

Today, I'm sharing a few of my favorite musical games and activities for elementary music classes, children's choirs, and elementary group classes.

Editorial: Only Keep the Gold

Editorial: Only Keep the Gold

Last week, I watched an interview with American poet Amanda Gorman. She recounted her experience writing the inaugural poem earlier this year: "I set a really high standard for myself," she said. "Only keep the gold. You're going to create a lot of bronze and a lot of silver in these writing sessions, but only keep the gold so you can say what needs to be said in your six minutes.'"

Here’s how I think that applies to our work as musicians and teachers.

2021 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

2021 Reading Session Picks: Children's Choir

Looking for anthem ideas for your children's choir? This post includes a curated list of unison, 2-part, and 3-part choir anthems with piano accompaniment and optional instrumental parts (handbells, oboe, harp, strings, rhythm instruments, and body percussion).

2021 Reading Session Picks: Adult Choir

2021 Reading Session Picks: Adult Choir

This year’s reading session picks include SATB, SAB, and 2-part choir anthems with piano and organ accompaniment and some with optional instrumental parts (cello, chamber orchestra, and 4-hand piano). See the list >>

Three Questions for Music Educators

Three Questions for Music Educators

Next week (May 24-28), I’m hosting the 3rd annual Music Education Basics, a free 5-day workshop for music educators.

With 60+ minutes of practical content, Music Education Basics is designed to give you clarity in your teaching and a fresh dose of inspiration and practical teaching ideas you can use right away.

But before you pull a new spiral notebook off the shelf and start mapping out ideas and making plans, let’s take a few minutes to assess where we are right now.

How to Choose Hymns That Tie Into Worship

How to Choose Hymns That Tie Into Worship

I don’t know about you, but I love taking a look behind the scenes.

Maybe it’s curiosity or intrigue, maybe it’s an interest in learning about other people’s processes, creative approaches, and perspectives on things.

If you’re a church musician or someone who contributes to worship planning, then you’ll love today’s post.

Today, I’m giving you a behind-the-scenes look at how to choose hymns that tie into worship.

Book Review: What I Learned From "The Creative Habit"

Book Review: What I Learned From "The Creative Habit"

As a creative, I love reading about other people's creative processes: their habits and work routines, the decisions they make, the way they think, and how they see the world.

Here are my three biggest takeaways from The Creative Habit.

How to Use Notability for Assignment Sheets in Your Studio

How to Use Notability for Assignment Sheets in Your Studio

Confession: I’ve always struggled with written assignment sheets.

I know they’re important for home practice, but what about when a student doesn’t take their assignment notebook out of their bag all week? I wanted to find a better solution.

Looking for an alternative to handwritten assignment sheets in your studio? Here’s an easy 5-step guide to using Notability.