ways to simplify new year — Field Notes Podcast for Music Educators | Ashley Danyew

ways to simplify new year

025 - New Year, New Teaching Goals (What I'm Learning from Bob Ross)

025 - New Year, New Teaching Goals (What I'm Learning from Bob Ross)

I have to be honest: I have a love-hate relationship with goals. I’ve had years of setting detailed goals in categories like Business, Teaching, Professional, and Personal. I’ve set monthly goals and sometimes weekly goals to stay on track.

Other years, I’ve been happy with a few new habits and a book list. And that's where I'm finding myself this year.

How do we plan and set goals for the year ahead when everything feels misty and grey? How do we change and grow when things around us are staying the same?

Today, I'm sharing a few helpful strategies and a glimpse at what my pseudo-goal-setting process looks like this year.

016 - 7 Unconventional Approaches to Starting the New School Year

016 - 7 Unconventional Approaches to Starting the New School Year

Most years, the beginning of the new school year feels fresh and exciting. Everything is new and bright and full of possibility.

This year, in the midst of a global pandemic, things feel a little different.

As such, here are a few unconventional ways to prepare for the new school year ahead.