2017 Book List

2017 Book List

One of my favorite things about this time of year is reading everyone's book lists. I love seeing what other people are reading, hearing about new releases, and connecting with others over shared interests.

Over the past few years, I've built a little time for reading into my daily routine (usually in the evening as we wind down from the day).

As I've shared before, I like to have variety in what I read, so I tend to choose books that cover all of these categories:


Here are the books I plan to read (or re-read) this year:

How to Teach a Congregational Class or Workshop: Part II

How to Teach a Congregational Class or Workshop: Part II

Earlier this week, I shared helpful tools and resources for teaching a congregational class or workshop, including several ready-made classes and seminars and step-by-step directions for creating your own class or workshop (read it here, in case you missed it).

For those of you that may not have done something like this before, the idea of standing up in front of a room of people and talking may feel a little outside of your comfort zone. 

I get it. 

I mean, we’re musicians, right? Playing or singing in front of people is no big deal, but talking is a whole different story.

If teaching is new for you, here are a few practical tips for keeping your cool and creating a fun, meaningful, engaging learning experience for your participants.

How to Teach a Congregational Class or Workshop: Part I

How to Teach a Congregational Class or Workshop: Part I

Have you ever considered teaching a class or workshop?

Some of you may already do this - at a community music school, K-12 school, or local college or university. But, have you ever considered teaching members of your congregation?

Short-term classes, workshops, and mini-series are a great way to teach church members about music, worship, denominational history, etc. and help build a sense of community among the congregation.

Plus, if you plan a class that's several weeks long and happens to meet on Sundays, you may also (inadvertently) encourage regular attendance in worship.

If you love to read, research, and teach and you have curious congregation members who love to learn, this post is for you. Here's what you need to know:

Top 10 Posts of 2016

Top 10 Posts of 2016

I love this time of the year. 

This week in between Christmas and New Year’s is always a time of rest and reflection for me - both personally and professionally. I look back on my goals for the year and evaluate what worked and what didn’t work. I also spend some time reviewing this year’s blog content and growth and learning more about what really resonated with you. Finally, I look forward to the New Year by setting new personal and business goals and thinking about new blog content ideas and outlining a preliminary editorial calendar.

It’s always fun for me to look back at the most popular posts of the year. Here are this year's top 10: 

All is Calm, All is Bright

All is Calm, All is Bright

It’s Christmas week and church musicians everywhere are gearing up for one of the busiest weekends of the year - Christmas Eve on Saturday and Christmas Day on Sunday. If you’re involved in church services this weekend, you’re probably not describing your week as “calm” and “bright.” Your to-do list probably looks a lot like mine: 

write thank you notes
finish newsletter article
proof bulletins
finish wrapping
meet piano tuner

It’s a crazy time, I know, but I’m determined to not let this season pass me by while I was caught up in the details and the planning. I don’t want to miss the spectacle, the gift, the presence of God in our midst. 

A Christmas to Remember: Six Unique Ideas for Your Christmas Day Service

A Christmas to Remember: Six Unique Ideas for Your Christmas Day Service

Every few years (six or seven, to be exact), Christmas Day falls on a Sunday. This is one of those years.

It makes for a long weekend for those of us involved in worship planning and leadership (especially if you have an 11 p.m. service on Christmas Eve!), but what a privilege to gather together as a church on one of the greatest holidays of the church year.

5 Digital Worship Planning Resources

5 Digital Worship Planning Resources

For many of us, worship planning is a big part of our jobs. It's creative and fulfilling, but it can also be tedious and a little time-consuming.

Plus, the more people that are involved in your worship planning, the more complicated it gets:

Susan coordinates the lay leaders
Chris oversees the audio/visual team
The pastor plans the Scriptures, prayers, and sermon
And then there's all the music in the service...

Good communication is key to planning and leading worship services and having everything go smoothly.

Prayers for Choirs: No. 12

Prayers for Choirs: No. 12

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5 Have you ever noticed how much light comes from one tiny candle? No matter how dark the room may be, the soft glow of one small flame cannot be overcome.

It is radiant and bright and hopeful—a reminder of God’s promise to us and God’s presence with us. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)

Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Choir Directors & Church Musicians

Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Choir Directors & Church Musicians

Okay, choir members - this one's for you.

Every year, your choir bands together to organize a group gift for your choir director and accompanist. You pass a secret envelope during rehearsals to collect money and then someone is tasked with finding the *perfect* gifts to be given at the annual Christmas party.

This year, it's your turn to find the gifts.